Protecting Our Water
By using our system, you help protect our freshwater resources.
Our mission is to help protect and preserve our environment. Our System O)) Septic Systems with Advanced Enviro-Septic technology are designed to process sewage and wastewater efficiently on-site. System O)) protects and ensures the quality of our drinking water and the water in the lakes and water tables in our community.
Who can use System O)) solutions?
Whether you plan to build a tiny house in the woods or you represent a commercial, community-based or institutional project, System O)) wastewater treatment solutions can be combined with any septic tank to adapt to your needs.
Eco-friendly septic systems to preserve nature’s balance
Over 80% of wastewater produced by human activity is dumped in the waterways and oceans without any treatment, leading to pollution and potentially to water table contamination.
System O)) septic systems are the only ones that can distribute, treat and permeate the wastewater from your septic tank in a single step, protecting our drinking water
Residential Onsite Systems, standard applied in the U.S.A. and managed by the National Sanitation Foundation;
Onsite Residential Wastewater Treatment Technologies, standard applied in Canada and managed by the BNQ;